Milonga and Lounge

It doesn’t only take two to tango – it is about a whole group of people dancing together and having fun in the ronda (the counterclockwise dancing direction around the hall). In group classes, we get this feeling of community in its most beautiful form.

Tango Zürich Milonga und Lounge La Pantera

EVERY FRIDAY, 20.30 – 01.30H


Come and meet friendly people. Let’s enjoy and celebrate life by dancing into the night.

Perfectly sized dance floor framed by tables and benches guarantees for easy “cabeceo”. Traditional tango music in tandas with cortinas. Popular DJs, many from abroad, some from Zurich. 

Traditional setting: there is a well-stocked bar with Argentinian wines, local Vivi Kola and Vollmond beer, fancy lemonades, signature drinks and sometimes even snacks.

Entrance CHF 15.- (except special events)
Flatrate Owners included (except special events)
Die Tango Lounge Zürich La Pantera Practica

MONDAY – THURSDAY, 18.00 – 21.30H (THURSDAY 18.00 – 20.30H)

The Tango Lounge

Our carefully designed Jungle Lounge is an ongoing practica – every evening from Monday to Thursday. And at the same time a place to meet friends, relax and enjoy life. Snack, a glass of prosecco or wine can be ordered.

We suggest our students to start every learning experience in the lounge, where we warm up for the class, to be perfectly prepared – body and mind. Practicing after the class is also highly recommended.

The entry to the lounge is included in the price of the lesson – or can be purchased separately.

Single Lounge Entrance CHF 15.-
Milonga & Lounge
1 Month
CHF 75.-
Flatrate Owner included
12 Classes Subscription included on the same day

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