Group classes
It doesn’t only take two to tango – it is about a whole group of people dancing together and having fun in the ronda (the counterclockwise dancing direction around the hall). In group classes, we get this feeling of community in its most beautiful form.

Dancing tango can be compared to telling a story: you need vocabulary, grammar, storytelling skills (humour, suspense, drama) and – above all – content. You need to know what you want to tell; technique is never the limiting factor. Rather, required is your fantasy and commitment to listening to the music and to the body you hold in your arms. Ultimately, it is about creating the dance together.
While you bring your story, we are here to teach you the language. We show you what you really need (and NOT the widespread „beginner‘s class content“ like lateral led ochos. Stuff no one is actually dancing.)
Click on your preferred class for a free trial lesson with us.
Our basic tango curriculum – Becoming a Dancer
Modul 1
Understanding the concept of moving together.
Leading and following in tango are two different but equally important and fulfilling roles. Leading and following are not based on control and compliance, but on the pleasure of feeling connected.
We share every step: preparation, gliding, arriving together. With the perfect coordination of a four-legged body. The technique of the leader is based on decision, responsibility and body empathy. It can be compared to leading your loved one on a walk by the lake: We hold each other with relaxed bodies and arms and move together harmoniously. No pulling, no force, no signals. Just connection. Following is better described as active companionship. As a woman, I don’t ‘follow’ – I actively accompany my partner. This is not done through compliance, but through commitment. While I never think about the next step I learn how to arrange my body in the present moment, how to make the best use of the space in the embrace and how to
embrace and how to create the most comfortable experience for both the leader and myself.
Our teaching concept is based on understanding the functional anatomy of the human body in motion – every step is taken in a comfortable and logical way. Balance does not require acrobatic talent, but an understanding of how we move our bodies naturally – not against it.
In Modul 1, we learn how to walk together and how to move safely and musically on the dance floor with circular elements.
Important: we only teach movement sequences that are actually danced, exactly as they are danced. No approximations or movement combinations invented for beginners.
Additional information:
- Modul 1 is completed once.
- Parallel to Modul 1, you can already attend our ongoing Practica (Tango Lounge). This takes place from Monday to Thursday from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm.
- Prices
Modul 2-4
Modul 2, 3 and 4 are the heart of our teaching concept and give you what leaders otherwise have to develop due to luck and fate: structure. (When you depend on luck, most fail: out of 100 tango beginners worldwide, less than 3 become social dancers you find in milongas. From the beginning, our main mission was to change these numbers).
Structure is the circular combination of limited passages (from crossed to parallel, left to right, giro to caminata, slow motion to rhythmic) that make up at least 80% of the dance of a successful social or professional dancer. Thanks to this subconscious, automatic pilot, you can follow the music, make your partner happy and improvise at the same time.
Additional information:
- Each modul is completed twice in 13 weeks
- From modul 2 on you are welcome to join our milonga on Friday evenings.
- From modul 2 on you can also attend our milonga 60″ and the specials 30″.
- From module 3 on you are fit to participate in Vals 60″.
- Prices

Our tango curriculum – Learn other aspects
Milonga 60″
We distinguish between Tango, Vals or Milonga music. The milonga is danced in smaller steps and almost always parallel to a 2/8 beat. ‘Fun’ and “Tiempo” are the order of the day. However, the step combinations are usually simple and playful – the atmosphere that is created is unrivalled.
Additional information:
- Can be attended after completion of modul 1
- Prices
Specials 30″
In these courses you will work on your own technique to improve your own dance quality (posture, embrace, style, tricks, conscious movements and sequences as well as adornos). We offer technique courses for followers and technique courses for leaders.
Pure joie de vivre! The rhythmic cumbia, originally from Colombia, is also widespread in Argentina. A sub-genre of traditional cumbia was developed in Argentina at the end of the 1990s. Today, cumbia is often played and danced at milongas in the cortinas.
Probably the best-known folklore dance from the north of Argentina. Especially when danced by several couples, it creates a wonderful atmosphere of joy, pride and togetherness.
Additional information:
- All specials can be attended after completing modul 1
- Prices
Vals 60″
In the Vals lesson, we learn sequences that are particularly suitable for Vals music (Argentine waltz), which, unlike tango music, is played in 3/4 time (tango: 2/4 time).
Additional information:
- Can be attended after completing modul 2 twice.
- Prices

Our tango curriculum – for the experienced dancers
Milonguero 60″
Create a dance flow in the milongas (tango dance events). The Milonguero courses focus on social dance.
How to dance fluently, musically and creatively in the limited space available to the dancing couple in the milongas: simply beautiful.
Simple and complex sequences in a closed embrace, always respecting the rules of the ronda. An important concept in this course is floor skills: all the skills you need to get along on the pista (dance floor).
Additional information:
- After Modul 4 has been completed at least twice.
- Prices
Musicality 60″
Variación, Adagio, Fraseo: musicality in tango is so much more than just rhythm. How do you dance in slow motion, when, and why? How do you dance rhythmically? When do you have to slow down the movement and how do you do it?
A dance floor on which D’Arienzo is being danced should look very different from a dance floor with music by Osvaldo Pugliese. How do you manage to dance the different orchestras differently? How does the woman decorate, and when?
The themes of modules 2 to 4 are danced to different orchestras. The focus is on musicality, mostly in a closed embrace.
Additional information:
- After Modul 4 has been completed at least twice.
- Prices
Salón (couples only) 60″
Have you already had experience with complex, open giros?
In the Tango Salón course, we increasingly dance in an open embrace. We therefore assume that you have already danced in many milongas and have solid experience. You should be able to interpret the music confidently and navigate the dance floor perfectly.
We teach a variety of complex elements – sacadas, barridas, enrosques, agujas according to the principle of the ‘giro en ocho’, which was developed by Mingo Pugliese and serves as a basis for many professional dancers.
Additional informtion:
- After completing modul 4 twice. Registration in the dance pair
- Prices
Salón II (invitation only) 60″
Additional information:
- Personal invitation in the dance pair.
- Prices

Free Trial Class
10 classes including lounge
You can attend 10 classes of your choice (depending on your level) – be it a technique class, group class or milonga class – and on this day you can also enjoy free access to our exclusive Tango Lounge. The teachers will recommend the next level depending on the regularity of your visits, your practice and your body-learning pace.
Your advantage: you only pay when you come. Holidays in between are no problem and you determine the pace of your progress.
The subscription for the 10 classes is valid for one year from the date of purchase.
Price: CHF 325.- / CHF 295.- for new Level 1 students.
Students under the age of 30 receive an additional 10% discount.
All inclusive: monthly flat rate or annual flat rate
Buy a flat-rate monthly subscription and attend as many lessons (up to your level) as you like. This of course also includes the technique classes and the milonga classes. With the flat rate you have free access to the lounge from Monday to Friday and admission to the milonga on Friday evening is also included (except for special events).
Price per month: CHF 260.
exclusive price for one month for new Level 1 students: CHF 210.-
Save an additional 20 per cent when booking the annual flat rate:
Price per year: CHF 2495 (monthly payment possible)
Students under 30 receive a 10 per cent discount.
1 year member subscription
As a member, you benefit from all the advantages of the annual flat rate:
- Attend as many lessons (up to your level) as you like. Of course, this also includes the technique classes and the milonga classes.
- Free access to the lounge from Monday to Friday and entry to the milonga on Friday evenings is also included (except for special events).
The following WOW extras are also included:
- 2 private lessons
- Electronic key: Lounge access for own training (Monday to Friday until 18.00, Saturday 9.00 – 12.00) (a few exceptions are possible in the case of room hire)
- Locker
- Shirt
Price per year: CHF 3260 (monthly payment possible)
Students under 30 receive a 10% discount.
Single lesson including lounge
With a single lesson you can take part in a lesson of your choice (up to your level) and even enjoy our Tango Lounge for free on the same evening.
Private lessons
Private lessons are the most effective way to learn tango. We can personalise you and your abilities, clarify uncertainties and show you how beautiful the tango movements are.
If you are a leader, we will help you develop your own basic structure. If you are a follower, we will give you tools to help you achieve connection and autonomy, along with that magical touch.
Get in touch with us and arrange your private lesson.
10 lessons subscription: 30min. Classes, Practica and Milonga
You can attend 10 classes (30min. classes, Practica and Milonga – depending on your level).
The subscription for the 10 classes is valid for one year from the date of purchase.
Single lesson: Milonga, 30min. Lesson, Practica
30min lesson, Milonga and Practica
Attend a mini class (30min. of your choice), Milonga or Practica
El Tango Café
El Tango Café
Our ‘El Tango Café’ takes place every Thursday morning. In addition to coffee and cake, new acquaintances and a cosy get-together, we teach you to dance Tango Argentino at a leisurely pace. In other words, without any stress – the focus is on having fun.
No experience is necessary – neither in tango nor in other dance styles. You can also come along without a partner and get to know the world of Argentine tango with others.
Special Subscriptions
1 Month Milonga & Lounge
With this subscription you can visit our lounge as many times as you like.
An afterwork drink, some snacks and a led Practica await you every weekday.
Single Entrance Lounge
You are not (yet) our student but would like to get to know our lounge? With the single entry to the Tango Lounge you have the possibility to dance one evening with us, to meet people, to have a drink and to enjoy a snack.
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